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  • To prevent your car from rusting, apply a protective layer of car wax or ceramic coating.
  • Watch out for road salt that causes rust, especially if you live in an area with a cold climate.
  • Other ways to prevent rust on your car include spraying oil under your car, cleaning your vehicle’s exterior and interior, and keeping your drain plugs clean.

As a car owner, rust may be your worst nightmare. It can ruin your vehicle’s components and lower its resale value. It can also get so severe that it may cause structural failure and leave your vehicle unsafe to drive. Unfortunately, the main elements that allow rust to start, which are oxygen, water, and iron, are present almost everywhere you go.

Different weather and road conditions can make your vehicle more prone to developing rust over time. Luckily, you can get a rust-remover spray for cars to treat existing rust. Here are some things that can help you prevent your car from rusting, saving you the hassle of trying to have it fixed or removed.

rust on a black vehicle bumper
Oxygen, water, and iron–the main elements that allow rust to start–are present almost everywhere you go.

Car Wax or Ceramic Coating For Rust Prevention

Some recent vehicle models may have plastic body panels that are resistant to rust, but some parts may still require protection. You can apply protective coatings to your vehicle’s metal areas to keep rust at bay. Wax and ceramic are usually used for coatings because of their hydrophobic qualities. They serve as waterproof covers that shelter your vehicle’s outer layer.

Rust-preventive coatings fill in the tiny crevices of your vehicle’s surface, so pollutants and water residue can’t penetrate it. If your vehicle’s exterior is well-coated and leaves no space for contaminants or liquids to seep through, it’s less likely to become an area for rust to start. Car wax or ceramic coatings allow water and pollutants to simply slide off your vehicle’s exterior without sinking further into the paint.

Watch Out for Road Salt That Causes Rust

If the climate is cold in your area, it’s likely that the roads there are being salted to keep them safe to drive on. The Department of Transportation salts, sands, and plows roads to help make them less icy and prevent accidents. However, road salt causes rust. Salt has ions that may come into contact with water and allow iron oxide to form faster.

Road salt can also sink into your car’s paint and cause rust to start underneath. When this happens, you’ll notice some bubbling on the paint because the metal below is corroding and becoming brittle. Your vehicle’s undercarriage can be more prone to rust if you frequently drive on salted roads. You can get ahead of rust problems by avoiding salted roads, not driving in deep snow, and taking time to frequently wash your vehicle’s undercarriage.

truck deicing road with salt
Roads in cold areas are typically salted to keep them safe to drive on, but road salt causes rust.

Spray Oil Under Car to Prevent Rust

If you can’t avoid road salt or changing weather conditions, you can always use oil-based rust sprays to protect your car. These sprays are usually applied on your car’s exterior parts, specifically metal areas close to the road. Oil sprays help keep water off your vehicle, which prevents rust from forming. They’re an affordable alternative to wax or ceramic coatings. They’re also very helpful during the rainy season when you have no choice but to expose your vehicle to wet weather. You should get your car rust-proofed with oil on a yearly basis, ideally every spring.

However, your car’s underbody, rockers, and wheel wells may need a thick gel-type oil agent for optimal protection. If you aren’t feeling confident about what kind of products you need, you should consult rust-proofing professionals. They’ll help you find the right combination of oil-based rust protection items specifically formulated for your environment, vehicle structure, climate, and road conditions.

Clean Your Vehicle’s Exterior and Interior

Dirty vehicles aren’t only unsightly, they’re also prone to rust formation. Washing your car properly and paying extra attention to problem areas can help you prevent rust or further rust formation. Aside from washing the exterior, you should also practice proper interior care. Any spills or moisture in your cabin may penetrate your carpet, spread, and get the floor or other parts wet. If not dried out properly, the moisture may increase the risk of rust formation. You should always wipe down and dry your interior after a cleaning. Taking your vehicle to a professional service provider is also a great idea. A professional can help if you want a proper car wash with the right rust-prevention products.

man washing a car
Washing your car properly and paying extra attention to problem areas can help you prevent rust or further rust formation.

Keep Your Drain Plugs Clean

Aside from getting your car washed regularly, you should also keep your drain plugs clear. They may clog and gather water if you don’t clear out debris or pollutant buildup. The excess moisture may increase the risk of rust formation, especially if you don’t check on the drain plugs regularly. It’s best to routinely inspect your drain plugs and clean them as needed. They’re usually found below your car’s doors, near your trunk’s edge, and along the hood.

Install an Electronic Rust Prevention System

Some drivers may want additional reassurance that rust won’t be eating away at their vehicles. You can install an electronic rust prevention system into your vehicle for added peace of mind. It’s a device that uses cathodic protection technology commonly used in industrial applications on ships or bridges. It works by sending a mild electric current throughout your car, which helps disturb the charge between metal and oxygen. It doesn’t necessarily stop rust from forming, but does slow down its development.

It may seem like a convenient way to prevent rust. However, this type of rust-proofing system has received inconsistent reviews and may require intensive technical configuration. Aside from getting a mechanic to install it, you may need to contact your car’s manufacturer or distributor to get advice and avoid complications. If you’re interested in this type of rust-proofing method, you should consult a mechanic before making any purchases.

Rust is a car owner’s worst enemy. It can start and spread in your car’s hidden nooks and crannies, so you should practice rust-preventing habits religiously. You can also consult a professional to get more tips on how to prevent rust on your car and which products can help improve your car’s rust protection.

Where to Get Wax and Other Car Care Products

As we’ve mentioned, waxing your vehicle can help protect it from rust. Because rust can eat away at your vehicle’s body, it can leave behind holes in the metal through which water and debris can easily enter. That’s why prevention is key. Thankfully, finding car wax is easy on

The easy-to-navigate website offers more than just car parts.There’s a wide selection of vehicle care products available like car wash soaps, and, of course, car wax. We even have car wax applicators in our catalog. It takes only a few quick clicks to place your order, especially with our convenient and secure checkout. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to our helpful and friendly customer service team. We’re available around the clock to assist and point you to our available products.

Order some new car wax and other car care products on today.

About The Author
Written By Automotive and Tech Writers

The Research Team is composed of experienced automotive and tech writers working with (ASE)-certified automobile technicians and automotive journalists to bring up-to-date, helpful information to car owners in the US. Guided by's thorough editorial process, our team strives to produce guides and resources DIYers and casual car owners can trust.

Any information provided on this Website is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace consultation with a professional mechanic. The accuracy and timeliness of the information may change from the time of publication.

File Under : Maintenance , DIY , For the Car Owner
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